Hydroelectric Plant Lipno Visitor Centre
Hydroelectric Plant Lipno is part of the Vltava Cascade. This body of water extends over 50 km2 and presents the largest manmade reservoir in the country - so is rightly called the “South Bohemian sea”. It is 44 km long and reaches - near Černá v Pošumaví - the width of 10 km between the two sides. The volume is 309 million m3 of water and is used for the management of the outflow over multiple years.
Every completed hour, the local visitor centre provides the showing of films, a dedicated commentary by the local employees and even a working model of the turbine. The narration in German is possible every Wednesday and Friday.
Opening hours
Over a prevailing part of the year, Hydroelectric Plant Lipno Visitor Centre is available on the basis of a written or a telephone order (16 September to 14 June). In the summer tourist season (15 June to 15 September), the centre opens daily from 10:00 to 16:00. (Please note that the last tour starts at 15:00.)
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